Saturday, November 18, 2006

Come to Guatemala, all you who are weary and burdened...

Dirt bikes down rocky roads, skyscrapper volcanoes, black sand beaches, and seventy-degree weather. That's all about four hours away! We're heading off to in Guatemala for our "make-up" honeymoon. Currently we're chilling in some execuative lounge in the Dallas, TX airport. We just got off our Chicago flight where we sat first class, feasted on deep-dish pizza, and ate hot chocolate-chip cookies. Can you hear the excitment in my words? These next days are going to blow us away. I just know it.

These past few weeks have been so hard and draining. Life is overwhelming. I (Katie) have been bombarded with homework and studying, I can barely find the time to throw a salad together for dinner, and our youth group is screaming out in hurt and want. This last part being the hardest. It is heart-wrenching to watch people ignore their Savior and dabble in evil things.

I almost feel defeated right now and am praying that these coming days would be a refresher for our souls. I have been reading through the Gospel of John and just recently read through chapter 14. Over and over again Jesus tells His disciples that "If you love Me, you will keep my commandments" (John 14:15). What a simple and powerful truth! Our love is shown through our obedience to God. Jesus Himself gives the world an example of this as He proves His love for God the Father by doing "exactly as the Father commanded Him" (John 14:31), by dying on the cross.

Regardless of what comes our way, His truth remains unchanged. We cannot keep making up excuses. If we do not obey Him, we are showing we do not love Him. Plain and simple.

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