Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Slitting my throat is all I ever had...

Yeah, that was my reaction too. I enjoy the sound of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and have rocked out to them several times in my van with youth group kids, particularly the song "Otherside." I sang along to the parts I knew, which were only a few. Upon listening to it again and looking up the lyrics, I was able to surmise that the lead singer was either talking about suicide or a drug addiction, two solid things to be singing about with your youth group kids, Pastor Genius.

Don't worry if you think I'm too hard on myself, I'm really not. However, we have to think. I have kids in my youth group who I guarantee have considered suicide, and here I am sitting
and singing along joyfully with them. No wonder our kids are depressed, they live off of this stuff and identify with it. A lesson well learned today that I need to THINK a bit more often about what the heck I am doing. Do you?

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