Friday, June 13, 2008

and then there were TWO

I love missions. I cannot remember a trip I did not have a blast. One week, two months, one year. It's all been great. Sure there were days of struggle and times I wished I could walk up the stairs on a Saturday morning to meet my pajama clad family and a stack of hot waffles instead of the rubbery intestines I was having to gulf down in my bug-infested, non-English speaking "home." But still, I loved it!

I love the adventure, the chance to try new things, and the opportunity to share the life-giving freedom I have because of Jesus. Currently I was given the assignment to write a presentation that would be presented in over THREE HUNDRED churches around Moldova--to teach, educate and call God's people to respond to trafficking. What an incredible responsibility, what an incredible impact this could have on so many individual lives. I am humbled, I am excited, and I am love missions!

All that to say, Billy and I have found ourselves lonely: wanting family, wanting friends, wanting community. Real, raw and free. We want it. We had it in Chicago and we miss it. Our evening plans used to consist of figuring out what house we were going to crash and who we were going to hang out with. Now, we decide which card game to play, book to read or project to get cracking on. And night after night after night we get bored and we want people.

So, as we enter into month number two we are trying to expand our options. We have friends on the docket for "American" dinner at our place, a family we play video games with [yes, I ALWAYS get last place] and a few single missionary girls who have played some of the same card games we have.

Here's to friendship in a foreign land.

1 comment:

bigdaddy said...

hello katie,
my mind is going, so if you get this response it will be a miracle. intestines for breakfast, lunch or dinner would not work for me. i would starve to death or eat the neighbors dog :) just kidding of course. cannot imagine eating things that would make me gag to look at tho. i suppose that's why i'm here and your there. God bless you both for being willing to endure whatever is thrown at you or set before you. i'll quit here and see if i can remember my password. if it works i'll write again soon. dad2