Sunday, August 17, 2008

Coming to a Close

I can't believe that it's been 3 months since we jumped on the plane and came to Istanbul the first time. Things were so different then. There was an adventure ahead, many unknown things, and I was preparing myself to work with women that in all reality, I never worked with until my last week over here! It's been a great time, and God has taught us so much. What's more, I am coming away from this summer with a greater desire to know God more, as well as a greater love and appreciation for my wife. It's pretty awesome that God blesses us in ways we don't expect, and often doesn't give us the life we planned.

Last night we ran 15miles. We've been training for the Chicago marathon all summer, and last night was definitely my hardest run yet. It was hot, there were hills, and many people looking at us like we were out of our minds to be running. But it was great! I find it amazing sometimes what I can do when I put my mind to something. I also find it frustrating, because it makes me realize that there are so many things that I should be doing that I'm not, and it really is just that I choose not to do them, like spending good amounts of time studying God's Word, or developing a better prayer life, or spending plenty of quality time with my wife when life gets busy. Maybe I need to put my life on a training program?

All said and done, it's been an awesome summer! However, I'm so excited to get on a plane in 48 hours and head back to Chicago (actually, when we land we're driving straight to PA to spend time with family). I'm ready to see my family and friends, and to start school, ride my motorcycle, drive a car, and be comfortable. It almost feels wrong to say that, seeing the poverty people live in, even compared to the life I lived this summer. How do I enjoy some of the comforts of home without becoming too attached to them? Without becoming detached from the reality of the rest of the world that I've seen? I know I shouldn't feel guilty for enjoying the things that God has blessed me with, it just shakes up my perspective a little bit to meet intelligent people who work 60 hours a week making 50 cents at a grocery store they could never even afford to shop at. I will not forget those people as I go about my life.

Well, that was an extremely random collection of my present thoughts. Now, I must go and eat breakfast.

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