Saturday, July 26, 2008

Small Smiles from God

Well, I'm not sure if God has any small smiles, but He smiles at us in the small things. This morning, Katie and I were due to run 12 miles for our marathon training. We were a little nervous about this, not only because it's 12 miles, but because it has been hot and very humid here all week. This morning was beautiful! We got out there, and it was about 63 degrees with a light breeze, heavy clouds to hide the sun, and it wasn't humid. This has happened for us nearly every Saturday, which are the days we run our long runs, so thanks for the small things, God!

Then as we finished Igor, my Moldovan friend showed up at the park with two bottles of peach iced tea, my new favorite drink of the summer. Beautiful. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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